Local Section Meeting & Event Information
ACS DFW Presents The Chemistry of Beer On April 3, 2024, from 6p - 9p, join ACS DFW & other fans of fermentation at Pouring Glory in Fort Worth TX for talks about brewing, great food - and Beer Here’s the registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/acsdfw-presents-the-chemistry-of-beer-tickets-86559355261
For reasons outside our control, the event was rescheduled to Thursday, February 29, 2024, 7pm-9pm. We apologize for the inconvenience. Join us on Zoom to socialize! Registration link is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/now-on-229-science-trivia-night-acsdfws-february-2024-zoom-meeting-registration-824944811137?aff=oddtdtcreator
Due to the unexpected weather conditions across the country that caused power outages and may affect the access to the internet the registration deadline for students to participate in 2024 USNCO Exams was extended to January 26, 2024. All students must be registered with ACS here: 2024 USNCO Student Registration LOCAL USNCO COORDINATORS CANNOT CHANGE THIS DATE. ALL REGISTRATION IS BEING HANDLED DIRECTLY BY THE ACS. NO WALK-INS ALLOWED. 202
Virtual meeting. Chemistry is Life - but how does one have a Life in Chemistry? Zoom-Join ACSDFW on Tuesday 1/23 to find out How We Do It Labs, Law, Logic & Lots More: Careers in Chemistry Our January meeting will be held by Zoom on 1/23/2024. “Labs, Law, Logic & Lots More: Careers in Chemistry” will start @ 7pm ct, and will feature very short (3-5 min) talks by scientists in different careers, from all over the local section. This will highlight options for careers in chemistry as presented by local section members from around our geographically enormous section. The [...]
FWLSC & ACSDFW EXPO Join us for the FWLSC & ACSDFW EXPO on Thursday, December 14th from 7:30pm-10:30pm CT! Display tables, short pitches, appetizers, & more! Arts 5th Avenue 1628 5th Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76104 Register now to attend! (Admission for students is FREE!) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fwlsc-and-acsdfw-present-expo-2023-tickets-764034085517?aff=oddtdtcreator
National Chemistry Week, “The Healing Power of Chemistry” October 15-21, 2023 Events at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History (FWMSH), Directed by Dr. Kayla Green of TCU; and at other locations, as arranged by those who cannot make it into FW. ACSDFW members are encouraged to contact Dr. Green to volunteer to assist with the excellent programming at FWMSH. A local section lunch on Saturday, October 21 is planned. NCW 2023 Flyer
Each Local Section may nominate one student presenter to be considered for a $500 travel scholarship to attend the ACS Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM). Very large sections are allowed two nominations. The deadline to submit your local section’s nomination is October 24th. Submit the completed form at the link below and send a nomination letter to . Any questions may also be directed to that email address. Further information is available in the announcement below. APPLY FOR A TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP Up to 10 travel scholarships in the amount of $500 are available for student presenters. To apply students should fill out the linked form, and [...]
It’s been interesting, but we’re finally fully back from the Covid-induced hiatus, with a great Schulz Award meeting planned - even if Registering ASAP is requested. Join your local section of the ACS in celebrating Carrie Alexander, MS Chemistry and AP Chemistry of Waxahachie High School, 2023 Recipient of the Werner Schulz Award for Excellence in High School Chemistry Teaching. Students are $10, non-Students are $20. The very reasonable cost of the meals was ensured by the ACSDFW local section. As Soon As You Can, use this link to Register and Select Your Entree: https://forms.gle/eupptMY2FQ6ZS8qd9 Contact ACSDFW with questions and [...]
The Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) local section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is organizing a photography contest during the “2023 Chemists Celebrate Earth Week”. Please send ONE ORIGINAL picture to before April 15, 2023, for consideration in this science-art contest. Only one picture will be accepted per contestant. Different students from the same lab can individually submit. Both undergraduate and graduate students from schools in the DFW local section area (which includes schools from Dallas to Abilene) are eligible to participate. Please make sure you include your name, school, and what the submitted picture represents in the submission [...]
ACS DFW Local Section Invites Nominations for Doherty, Schulz, and Chemistry Ambassador Awards (2023) The deadline for submission of nominations is extended to May 15, 2023. The Doherty Award is given for excellence in chemical research or chemistry teaching, meritorious service to ACS, new chemical methodology (for the industry), solution of pollution problems, and advances in curative or preventive chemotherapy. Nominees may come from industry, academia, government, or small business. The nominee should be a resident member in the area served by the ACS DFW Local Section, and the work should have been performed here. The award is $1500 and [...]
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 2023 D/FW National Chemistry Olympiad Local Testing Event: D/FW Section Local Exam: Saturday, March 25, 2023 LOCATION: University of Texas at Arlington, Science and Engineering Innovation and Research (SEIR) Building, Room 198 Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8fKiWVk51Jhwv-VH0dAz4bvpp0oD1gT-HR4TjN08g_FGBUw/viewform?usp=sf_link NOTE: Registered examinees are guaranteed an exam and answer sheet; walk-in examinees will be accepted as testing materials and space allow PARKING: EVERY VEHICLE PARKED ON CAMPUS AT UTA MUST HAVE A VALID PARKING PERMIT. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH PARTICIPANT TO OBTAIN A FREE PERMIT AS DESCRIBED BELOW. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the steps [...]
Free registration extended until April 13, 2022 (midnight)! The 2022 Meeting in Miniature at UT Dallas APRIL 23, 2022 8:30 am - 6:00 pm In-person meeting We invite and encourage postdoc, graduate and undergraduate students to submit abstracts for 10-12 minutes oral presentations, with an additional 3-5 minutes for questions. Registration is free and is extended until April 13, 2022 (midnight). Registration website: Register | ACS DFW 2022 Meeting in Miniature (utdallas.edu)
The DFW local section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is organizing a photography contest during the “2022 Chemists Celebrate Earth Week”. Please send ONE ORIGINAL picture to before April 18, 2022, for consideration in this science-art contest. Only one picture will be accepted per contestant. Different students from the same lab can individually submit. Both undergraduate and graduate students from schools in the DFW local section area are eligible to participate. Please make sure you include your name, school, and what the submitted picture represents in the submission email. Submitted pictures can be colorful reactions in the lab, [...]
American Chemical Society, Dallas-Fort Worth Section Announces the Local Qualifying Exam for the National Chemistry Olympiad on Saturday, March 26, 2022 - 8:30 a.m.—11:00 a.m. (REGISTRATION Deadline: Wednesday, March 23, 2022). Location: University of Texas at Arlington Science and Engineering Innovation and Research (SEIR) Building, Room 198 REGISTRATION: Deadline Wednesday, March 23. 2022. Registered examinees are guaranteed an exam and answer sheet; walk-in examinees will be accepted as testing materials and space allow. The registration form may be accessed through this QR code: For more details and to register visit: Chemistry Olympiad – American Chemical Society – Dallas – Fort Worth [...]
Extended Deadline: May 15, 2021 ACS DFW Local Section Invites Nominations for Doherty, Schulz, and Chemistry Ambassador Awards The deadline for nominations is extended to May 15, 2021 The Doherty Award is given for excellence in chemical research or chemistry teaching, meritorious service to ACS, new chemical methodology (for the industry), solution of pollution problems, and advances in curative or preventive chemotherapy. Nominees may come from industry, academia, government, or small business. The nominee should be a resident member in the area served by the ACS DFW Local Section, and the work should have been performed here. The award is [...]
We invite and encourage postdoc, graduate and undergraduate students to submit abstracts for 10-12 minutes oral presentations, with an additional 2-3 minutes for questions. Three prizes will be given for the best talks in each section. Registration is free and will be open to all early March and will close April 21st . To register visit the ACS DFW 2021 Meeting in Miniature Website. To volunteer as a presentation judge or for other inquiries, please contact Dr. Mihaela Stefan: . We look forward to seeing you! Please click on the flier below to learn about our esteemed event sponsors! Organizing [...]
The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Local Section of the American Chemical Society Celebrates Earth Week virtually DATE: April 23, 2021 TIME: 6:30 pm Our virtual event on April 23th will feature Dr. Carie King’s presentation “Disseminating Scientific Findings to a Non-Scientific Audience”. Dr. Carie King is a Clinical Professor and Associate Director of Rhetoric at the University of Texas at Dallas. Zoom link for presentation : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7176687551 Disseminating Scientific Findings to a Non-Scientific Audience Sharing science with the general public is a challenge: You know the topic so well, but your audience may not know your research or understand the technical side [...]
The DFW local section of the ACS is organizing a photography contest during the “Chemists Celebrate Earth Week”. Please send ONE ORIGINAL picture to Dr. Mihaela Stefan, , before April 23, 2021 for consideration in this science-art contest. Only one picture will be accepted per contestant. Different students from the same lab can individually submit. Both undergraduate and graduate students from schools in the DFW local section area (which includes schools from Dallas to Abilene) are eligible to participate. Please make sure you include your name, school, and what the submitted picture represents in the submission email. The winning [...]
"The ACS: Past, Present and Future" ACS DFW Local Section is happy to host a virtual talk by Dr. Angela K. Wilson Angela K. Wilson, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Michigan State University, is the National President-Elect of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Wilson will serve as president of the society in 2022. Dr. Wilson will present a talk entitled, “The ACS: Past, Present and Future.” Rescheduled Date (due to the weather in Texas): Friday, March 26, 2021 – Talk beginning at 6:30 PM Location: Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7176687551) No registration required.
Deadline to register for the Local Qualifying Exam for the National Chemistry Olympiad is January 31, 2021, before 11:59 pm. No exceptions will be allowed! Please register on the following link:https://forms.gle/hetoDggodC37QYNW8 This year’s exam is virtual and will be administered by the American Chemical Society. The Local Qualifying Exam for the National Chemistry Olympiad will take place on Saturday, March 27, 2021, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. More information on the following links: 2021 NCO Registration Announcement Local NCO Exam Information for 2021
Other Past Events
Friday. May 3, 2019
@ The Fort Worth Botanic Gardens (FWBG) Lecture Hall “Baking Goes Rogue” a fun evening of chemistry and “delightfully wicked” obsessive baking 6.15 – 7.25 pm Reception in the FWBG Lecture Hall Lobby with“Breaking Bad With Bread”, a talk on the Chemistry of Baking by Hao Tran (Hao and Dixya) and Trent Shaskan, of The Table and Baylor Professor & Alcon Scientist Dr. Paul Zinke Followed at 7.30p by attendance at the World Premiere Opera
by Rachel T. Peters
Produced by the Fort Worth Opera
Registration Includes the Reception and a Ticket to “Companionship”
*In addition to a description of the Opera, this link has ticket sales prices. Tickets are included in the ACSDFW Registration!
next ACSDFW Local Section will be a Dinner Meeting/Webinar on Thursday, February 21, 2019 @ TCC South Campus.
Kirk Hunter, Member of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety, will present an ACS sanctioned talk, ‘Chemical Lab Safety: What Can you Do?’
Schedule for the On-site event will be 6p – 7p Social Hour, 7p – 8p Dinner, 8p-9p. Registration will Open on 2/4/19.
IMPORTANT! In addition to the on-site venue @ TCC-South, Mr. Hunter’s talk will be broadcast as a Webinar. To participate in the program via the internet, e- your name and institution to ACSDFW LS 2019 Chair, and CC . Your site can host a gathering, a dinner meeting, or just the Webinar – whatever you choose.
Deadline to sign up to host the Webinar is this Friday, Feb. 1, 2019.
Questions? Contact Chair Dr. Denise Merkle at
Questions? Contact 2018 Chair-Elect Denise Merkle, , and CC .