Officer Duties
Training and/or assistance is provided or available for each officer position. Interested chemists are welcome to contact current officers of the section or to e-mail to for more information.
Officers of the Local Section must be ACS members in good standing and must maintain ACS membership during the term of service.
**Chair-elect – Is in training for the position of Chair. Chair year commences on January 1st of the year following Chair-elect year. Voting member of Executive Committee.
Chair-elect works closely with The Chair to lead the the local section. Chair interacts the local section elected officers and also with ACS national to ensure that the section is aware of and acts on operational information from ACS National – and vise versa. Chair-elect assists with this and other projects as requested by the chair. The Chair plans monthly local section meetings – or delegates the planning – from September of his/her own Chair-elect year through May or June of Chair year. The next Chair-elect takes over meeting planning in September his/her chair-elect year (after seeing/helping the Chair during Spring semester) and continues through May or June of his/her chair year. Section chair sets up v-,e- or vis-a-vis meetings of the DFW local sections’ executive committee, to ensure that issues the Executive Committee must address are properly handled.
The section Chair also supervises or delegates supervision of the Annual report, which is submitted to ACS national in February of each year and is required for the section to receive its dues allotment from ACS national. ACS National-sponsored Training is provided for Chairs-elect. Chair-elect represents the local section on the region’s planning board, which meets at Regional meetings and has a few duties during the year, including voting on recipients of Regional awards. Chair elect and Chair should be prepared to attend as many local section meetings as possible.
Treasurer– Local section treasurer documents the finances of the section, files required forms with ACS National and IRS, and distributes awards checks and payments on behalf of the section.
Secretary– The main duty of the secretary is to oversee, and arrange local section elections, although there other other duties such as keeping the current roster of local section members, disseminating information as required to the Executive Committee and the section, providing information about the bylaws and compliance with them. Secretary or a delegate takes notes during Executive Committee meetings and provides minutes of meetings. Secretary is voting member of Executive Committee. Secretary attends local section meetings as necessary.
Councilor– Councilors are responsible for representing the section on a National level and are the link between ACS national and the local section. Councilors participate in the governance of both the local section and ACS national by attending national meetings and voting on issues proposed at the Council meetings. Councilors are not limited to representing the local section at the Council meetings only, and can serve on many different national committees, either at will, or in elected or appointed positions. Councilors’ travel to ACS meetings is in a large part subsidized, so it is a nice way to attend a meeting and also participate in governance. Councilors are encouraged to attend local section meetings and interact with members, so as to have as much input from members as possible. Councilor positions are voting positions on the Executive Committee.
Alternate councilor– In the event that a councilor cannot participate in a council meeting, an Alternate councilors attends instead. This is a formal procedure that requires proper credentials. Alternate Councilors are encouraged to attend local section meetings and interact with members, so as to have as much input from members as possible. Alternate councilors are voting members of the Executive Committee.