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ACS DFW Local Section Elections
Elections for Executive Committee Volunteer Positions will be held from October 23 through November 26, 2024. Terms begin January 1, 2025
Calling for candidates:
Chair (2 years– Chair 2025, Past Chair 2026)
Chair- Elect (3 years– Chair-Elect 2025, Chair 2026, Past Chair 2027)
Treasurer (2 years – 2025-2026)
Councilors (4):
1 x 1 year term (2025)
1 x 2 year term (2025 -2026)
2 x 3 year term (2025 –2027)
Alternate Councilors (4), Same terms as Councilors

Run For Local Section Office!
Send a ½ page BIO to for
inclusion in the election materials. Give ACSDFW
members your background and let us know why you’d like to volunteer for ACSDFW!

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